Förlag: Pharos Media Productions
Filosofi Psykologi Medicin & hälsa
Tillgänglig sedan: mars 2023
Uppläsare: Stella Tormanoff
Length: 3 timmar 57 minuter
The Door - A manual for managing, panic, anxiety and depression
”The Door - A manual for managing, panic, anxiety and depression” is the fourth book of the author Stella Tormanoff. The book is the writer’s own reflection about the society in general and the human psyche. In the thirty-thousand words of the text, the reader may find the answers to the major existential quests about life and suffering. The writer describes the logical connections between physics and metaphysicas, as well as those between feelings, thoughts and actions. The book contains a single chapter for each topic mentioned in the title; panic, anxiety and depression, where definitions are presented in a simple language as well as cause and effect for each of the mental states. The book is finalized with a program containing seven steps for self-analysis and tools for re-programming one’s own behavior.
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